Thank You. Thank You. Thank You.

We’ve all had those days where it feels like nothing is going your way. You overslept and missed your 8am. You’re fighting with your roommate. That one super important exam didn’t go well even though you studied for hours. On these days, it can feel impossible to remember all of the blessings that make your life fulfilling. 

You might think that you already recognize and appreciate the good in your life, but taking a few extra minutes to truly think about them has so many benefits. People who express gratitude are genuinely happier. They experience reduced anxiety and depression. Their relationships, both platonic and romantic, are better. By simply journaling about what you're grateful for, you can improve the important various aspects of your life. 

It can seem a little forced at first, especially if you’re not used to mentally listing things you’re grateful for, but it gets easier over time. You can begin with the big things, and eventually it will come naturally to be grateful for the things you wouldn’t have even thought twice about before you started looking for them. These can be the taste of your iced coffee in the morning, or the fact that the sun is shining and it’s warm out. You will find things to be grateful for all around you, things you once disregarded as important. 

Gratitude allows the good to shine through the bad. When we begin to focus on the positives, our lives reflect this positivity. We start to ignore what we feel like we’re missing, and as a result, we become happier people. Once you start recognizing and appreciating all of the good things, your perspective on life will shift for the better. Mindset is everything, and gratitude is one of the first steps when it comes to transforming your thoughts. 

So, take a few moments each day to remember the good, even on the days when the bad things seem to be more prevalent; actually, ESPECIALLY on those days, because those are the days when it really counts. Keep a list and look back on it when it feels like nothing is working out. Chances are, there is always something to be thankful for.