Shaping it Up by Shaking it Up

Have you ever faced a decision that you were too afraid to do and minutes later regretted not trying? We at The Edge are certain that you have. Everyone has that activity or situation that they could not imagine themselves succeeding in, typically due to fear of failure or rejection. These things can be giving that speech in front of your class, or jumping into the swimming pool after two absent seasons, but what many have to learn is that life is full of failure and rejection. Here at Elon, we strive towards achieving our independence and becoming role models that will inspire others in the future, but that can never happen without pushing past barriers of fear. Here are a few ways we at The Edge recommend you try and change your life for the better.

Switch Up That Routine

Being college students, we are constantly told to take advantage of all there is to offer, but that can be hard when schedules are packed with homework, studying, and out-of-school activities. The first way to step out of your comfort zone is to make small changes to your routine. Even if you are a night owl and love to sleep in until the mid-afternoon, try setting your alarm to a few hours earlier and see what that time can do for your mental health and daily activities. 

Another way to positively switch up your routine is by changing your environment. It can be very easy to come home from classes and just hang out in your apartment or dorm, but as the sun is starting to creep out, spend more time outside. Being outside has proven to be beneficial for mental health, and prioritizing yourself and your surroundings will help motivate you to try new things. Whether it is a different wake-up time or a new schedule, switching up your routine can do wonders.

Being Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Is there a sports team or academic club you have always wanted to try, but haven’t because you think you may be unqualified? This is a common fear for all, especially being in college; trying new things is a lot harder than it seems. Coming into an environment where everyone specializes in their own subject can make it difficult to figure out where you fit it. We at The Edge encourage you to throw out this idea because many leaders today did not give up after facing failure, such as Oprah Winfrey and Albert Einstein. As a Communication Design major, my schedule is filled with graphic design as well as marketing, but when the time came to pick a class for my expression requirement, I was at a loss. 

Being in musical theater in high school, I wanted to immediately jump back into my comfort zone and do something I know I have done well in the past, but I decided against this. Remembering my high school’s virtue of perseverance, I decided to enroll in a World Dance Class with no expectations for the class and for myself. Coming from a family that is not inclined in the world of dancing, I walked in on my first day nervous and scared of completely embarrassing myself. 

With help from my teacher, I learned that if I did not put all my effort and strength into learning and demonstrating these tools, then I will be wasting my time and not reaping any benefits. What I have learned throughout this semester is that anyone can try and succeed in anything they put their minds to—even dancing. World Dance has become one of my favorite classes because it pushes me to be confident in myself and my abilities in a subject I have never taken. Join that club, take that class, and find yourself jumping into uncharted territories.

Just Enjoy the Ride

Overall, when stepping out of that zone, negative feelings always flood in. It is easier to say to someone, “try this…be happy”, but if you do not put yourself out there, you will be stopping yourself from leaping into a new world. Taking that risk is beneficial, but will not truly help you if you are not having fun. Optimism is the best policy when taking risks, and we at The Edge encourage you to follow this, because who knows, you may become the next Steve Jobs. 

LifestyleRanya Russo