Making The Most of Your Alone Time as A College Student

Coming into college, everyone has this glorified idea of what it might look like—partying every weekend, spending every waking moment with friends and always having someone to do activities with. Unfortunately, as we at The Edge have come to find out, that’s not always the case. And we know that surrounding yourself with friends isn’t always an option when you’re lonely, either.

College isn’t always rainbows and unicorns. Most of the time, it’s more stressful and mentally debilitating than not. You can sometimes feel like the world is moving at 100 miles a minute, and many people have the mentality that they need to be busy constantly. You may even experience FOMO when you see your friends doing something without you. But you have to remember that it’s essential to take time for yourself to decompress and relax, too. 

When you’ve asked all your friends if they want to chill or go to the dining hall to grab a meal with you but they’re all busy, you feel like you’ve exhausted all your options. You might feel rejected and slightly scared to do things yourself, and that’s okay. We’re here to help you find the best ways to make the most of your alone time. 

Go On A Walk Or Run

Walking is one of the best ways to destress and appreciate the things you don’t necessarily see. Put in your AirPods, blast your favorite playlist and immerse yourself in nature. When we walk to class, our heads are constantly down in our phones. When you unplug from your devices and take in the gorgeous scenery that Elon especially has to offer, you will immediately be in a better mood.

Image: Pexels

Take Yourself On A Lunch or Coffee Date

You don’t always have to eat with friends in the dining hall. Sometimes, it might be too early in the morning and you don’t feel like making conversation. This is the best time to take yourself on a date and enjoy your own company. It’s important to shake the mindset that people care about what you’re doing or that they’ll think you’re a ‘loser’ for being alone because chances are, they won’t.

Image: Pexels

Do Your Homework

Sometimes we get so distracted by what our friends are doing that we forget we’re actually in school. Finding a good study spot and grinding out homework is an easy and productive way to pass the time. You can also do this with friends, but they might be distracting, so we recommend doing your work alone.

Image: Pexels


Reading can keep you engaged for hours on end, especially when you find a good book. If it’s a nice day, you can sit by the lake in a hammock. Chances are, if you’re outside, someone you know will pass you and stop to sit with you. Being outside is a great way to be social and run into people you wouldn’t see normally. The same applies to all the other activities mentioned.

Go To The Gym

Though going to the gym can be scary, once you build up the confidence, it’s extremely therapeutic. Not only do you get a good sweat in, but you feel so good about yourself afterward. Changing up your workout routine is also important so you’re hitting different parts of your body and don’t get bored. 

All-in-all, it’s important to have realistic expectations of how much downtime you have in college and how lonely that time can be. Prioritizing your mental health is the most important—and with that comes learning to enjoy your own company. If you decide to try out any of these techniques, feel free to DM your photos to @theedgemag on Instagram!

Avery Paulen