Discrimination and its Effects on Mental Health

Discrimination, by the Google definition, is “the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.” In simpler words, people discriminate when they lack an understanding that people express themselves differently and have different beliefs than they do. Discrimination can be seen through stereotypes, microaggressions and even subtle avoidance.   

Various groups of people are affected by discrimination. Many face discrimination based on their age, sexual orientation, religion, gender identity, disability or race. People who are discriminated against are forced to cope with it in various forms.

Discrimination can leave a negative long-lasting effect on someone’s mental health. According to the American Psychological Association, “A wealth of psychological research shows that discrimination can exacerbate stress. Moreover, discrimination-related stress is linked to mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression, even in children.” As mentioned by the American Psychological Association, discrimination can cause stress and anxiety, and for some, it can take a huge mental toll on them which can affect how they see themselves. People can begin to suffer from mental health issues due to the harsh words or actions someone takes against them. Discrimination can lead to both lower self-esteem and depression. It can also cause some to turn to more drastic and harmful measures such as self-harm. 

Discrimination occurs when someone feels like they are in a place of power or are superior to another person. When people don’t understand someone or something, they tend to base their judgment on the difference between themselves and the other person. Some people tend to discriminate due to implicit biases that they are unaware they have because they haven't been exposed to those who are different from them. An implicit bias is a form of bias that occurs automatically and unintentionally but still ends up affecting their perception and behavior towards a person. People who discriminate use it to make themselves feel comfortable and make those who don't share their beliefs feel uncomfortable.

No one should have to face discrimination based on their age, sexual orientation, religion, gender identity, disability or race. If you are currently facing discrimination from someone, remember to focus on your strengths and confide in your support systems. No one should ever have to go through this. There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. Don’t put yourself down by trying to justify people’s ignorant actions and words. 

As cliché as it may sound, treat others the way you would want to be treated. 

As a reminder: be nice and educate yourself.

LifestyleLeslie Aviles Mendoza