Advice on College Friendships from a Senior

Our high school friendships were definitely ones for the books. Whether you grew up together in the same school district or made new ones along the way, they were a key aspect of your high school experience. On the other hand, college friendships are basically made from scratch. All new faces, all new names, and feeling overwhelmed is an understatement. We at the Edge want to reassure you that this feeling is absolutely valid, and in reality, this overwhelming feeling can be perceived as an opportunity.

We’re going to give it to you straight: making friends is hard. As cliché as it may sound, it’s true. However, we want to reassure you that this is more than okay. Whether you’re at a big state school or even a smaller university, the amount of new people is still overwhelming. We want to readjust this lens and put it in focus towards opportunity. Lots of people means lots of opportunities to actually meet them! This doesn’t mean you have to run around and go meet them all at once, but it’s just a note to keep in mind that the people around you are all in the same boat. 

What makes college friendships so special? Easy. You live together (whether you’re roommates or not)! Want to come over at 3 am, drink wine and watch movies? Door’s unlocked! The freedom of being able to be in each other’s dorms, apartments, etc., is a major perk of college, and it builds stronger friendships. The type of friendship that grows based on independence from home really helps us to learn more about one another, as well as ourselves. 

With this independence comes responsibility (not to get all “dad-mode” on you), but this is very important. A huge part of college is looking out for one another. These friendships are so much fun, but they also require a lot of support since we’re away from home. One of us is having trouble getting home? Already got our car keys in hand. One of us is sick? We’re racing to Publix to grab medicine and Gatorade. These friendships become close-knit based on circumstances, so looking out for one another comes naturally. 

From the seniors here at the Edge, we want to warn you: college goes by in the blink of an eye. From dorm rooms to off-campus apartments, the friendships we make in college are the ones that shape us. We learn a lot about ourselves in college. It’s the people throughout this experience who play a key role in our development. Make the most of it!

LifestyleMargo David