To Lift or Extend? The Lash Debate

Both lifting and extending aim to improve your eyelashes, but when comparing both cosmetic procedures, we’ve found many differences.  

Eyelashes have been a staple in makeup routines for years. The goal is usually to make your lashes appear thicker and longer. Many have added products like mascara for darkening and use the eyelash curler tool to give your eyes the illusion of looking larger and brighter.

While these products do a good job at achieving the perfect lashes, they typically only last up to a few hours at a time. But what if there was a way to extend the effect for longer? This is when lash lifts and lash extensions enter the game.  

What’s the difference?

The lash lift is a cosmetic procedure that semi-permanently curls the lashes in the same sense that one would do daily with an eyelash curler. It can take anywhere from 15 minutes to an hour, depending on where you get them done. The cost can also vary, but we have found the average price ranges from $75 to $150. 

Photo from Pinterest

A lash extension, however, focuses more on thickening and darkening the lashes. A lash extension uses false lashes that are attached to the natural lashes. This procedure takes away the need for any lash products like mascara. The procedure takes around an hour and depending on the quality can cost anywhere from $30 to $200 dollars. 

Photo from Pinterest

How long do they last?

The lash lift typically lasts four to six weeks. As the weeks go on, the lift will start to fade. To keep them lifted longer, it is important to follow immediate and longer-term aftercare. We recommend refraining from using makeup and cleansing around the eyes within the first 48 hours. It takes around two days for the lift to fully set so also refrain from touching around the eyelids, as that can cause the lift to fall. 

Lash extensions, as well as the lift, can last for roughly up to six weeks which is the natural lash cycle. Extensions do require maintenance as well as mindfulness in daily life. For example, it is highly encouraged to keep the lashes away from water as it can cause the false lashes to detach. Other maintenance includes washing your lash line and avoiding rubbing the eye area. 

Where can I get these done?

In the Burlington area, there are many fabulous places that provide both lifts and extensions for reasonable prices. One place we recommend is  Brow N' Brow. They do an amazing job taking care of eyelashes as well as specializing in other cosmetic procedures such as waxing and eyebrow care.