Study Abroad Highlights: Summer in Italy

Many Elon students are getting ready to embark on their study abroad journeys for the winter and spring semesters, and study abroad applications are available soon for the Fall 2018 semester. Although I am no expert with the Elon process, I was fortunate enough to study abroad for a month this summer at the Sant’Anna Institute in Sorrento, Italy. Below are some of my own highlights and favorite parts about studying abroad in Europe (and thus some insight on what you’ll be experiencing, too!):

1. Friendships

When I went abroad, I did not know anyone else going. Although I was nervous, I ended up making some of the best friendships I’ve ever had! Whether or not you are going with your friends, you are bound to meet more people and make everlasting friendships with those around you during your time abroad.


2. The food (!!!)

Pre-departure to Italy I had a feeling this was going to be one of the best parts of the experience… when else are you able to eat insanely delicious pasta and pizza every day?! I even had my pasta served in a pan once, too!


3. The culture

Being able to immerse yourself in another culture is invigorating and exciting. I was able to learn some Italian and converse with locals on a daily basis. Also, going to different museums around the cities you explore is an amazing way to learn about the history and deepen your understanding of their culture. I loved visiting the Guggenheim in Venice and the Gallery of Art Prague (GOAP).



4. Traveling

Travelling within Europe is a lot easier (and cheaper) to do by air than in the United States. I was able to go to two amazing new cities, Venice and Prague, during my month abroad. I travelled with the airline EasyJet, and my flights were under 100 euros.


5. The Architecture

The walks to classes aren’t bad when you’re surrounded by amazing buildings. The ornate detail of the apartments and churches combined with the ocean seen from nearly every building around Sorrento made the experience so picturesque