Embracing the Darker Mornings and Earlier Evenings

It’s that time of year again when we get to set back our clocks and gain an hour of precious sleep. It’s all fun and games until the alarm clock goes off and you realize you have to get up before the sun does. Daylight Savings Time can be difficult for college students, as we are plunged into darker days and our motivation seems to slip away with the sunshine. Here are a few tips to boost your mood and productivity, even after the sun goes down!

Rise with the sun

Trust me, I’m not speaking from experience but it sounds like a good idea. It might be tempting to hit the snooze button 14 times, but you're energized attitude will thank you later. Starting the day refreshed and ready to go will ensure that you make the most of your day.

Get moving

Try starting your mornings with exercise, meditation, or a balanced breakfast. Enjoy the outdoors and the beauty of campus while you can. Take the opportunity of earlier evenings to enjoy the gorgeous fall sunsets. I have a habit of shutting down for the night after it gets dark, so this is always a challenge for me, but If you stay busy and active, the fading light won’t affect you so much.

Create a night routine you look forward to

Whether it’s cooking a nice dinner, taking a bath or reading a book before bed, a solid routine will give you a simple reward after working hard all day. Be sure to switch it up sometimes though, so that you don’t get bored throughout the chillier months.  

Prepare for the tomorrow today

It will take some time to adjust to be a morning person, so to ease the pain of those dark earlier mornings, prepare the night ahead. If you know you won’t have time to pack a lunch or pick out a cute outfit, do it the night before so you can hit the snooze button maybe just once.