Pretty Little Secrets Series: The Secret to Making The Most of Life

No matter what stage you are at in life, there are probably some thoughts in your mind that irritate you. Perhaps you are living with the constant question of what would have happened if you hadn't taken the job you are in now. Or maybe you still hit your head against a wall time and time again over the fact that you never told your crush how you truly felt—and maybe even still feel. I have news for you—not taking chances is what has been keeping you from making the most of your life and experiences.

People worry too much about pleasing others—from their parents to their peers. In doing so, we tend to forget along the way that we have to cater to ourselves. At the end of the day, it's only your own thoughts that you are stuck with and have to answer to. When you have that moment alone, it's crucial to keep asking how you feel about the current choices you're making in your life. One of the first steps to making the most out of opportunities is not holding back.

Take the chance on saying yes more to things, like applying to the job you never thought you would get, or telling your friend you'll join him at that party you didn’t really want to attend. You will never regret trying. The next part of the process to making the most out of life is trusting your gut instincts. The more you ignore the gift of intuition, the quicker it disappears over time. Your gut will guide you to gear towards or stay away from certain decisions on your path, so make sure to listen clearly to it. At the same time, you cannot forget to work hard to decipher when it is telling you not to go for something out of fear of defeat versus knowing it is a bad decision all together.

Sometimes the things that are best for us can be the scariest to take on, and that is understandable. But you must never let the fear of failing stop you from trying! Change is typically never that simple, but it can be totally worth it! Every step we take leads us to the next point on the path of our destiny.

A great friend once shared with me this golden piece of advice to remember for those big and even smaller life-changing moments. "You're going to do just fine. You've been working your whole life for this moment. You know that feeling when your heart is pounding faster than your breath and you feel like you can't take another step forward due to fear? Take the step. It's ok. That fluttering feeling is your soul spreading its wings helping you to fly."


So spread those wings and soar through the sky flying, my dear readers! See you next week for a brand new installment of Pretty Little Secrets.

LifestyleArielle Berlinsky