Eight Steps to a Better Sleep Schedule

1. Wake Up Happy

The key to feeling good in the morning is to get up and get grooving. Laying around in bed for an hour can feel relaxing, but it confuses your body on what time you’re supposed to wake up. Play some music, listen to a podcast, do whatever you have to do to get energized right when you jump out of bed. Next, chug a glass of water before your morning coffee (trust us) your body will love you for it!

2. Try to get a little exercise in

We know that going to the gym for an hour is unrealistic when our schedule is jam packed with meetings and papers and who knows what else. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t get your blood pumping! Go on a quick walk or even take the stairs just to add in a little extra exercise. Added action throughout the day will help you feel more relaxed by nighttime, and ultimately help you fall asleep when you want to.

3. Don’t drink caffeine after lunch

If you need a little pick-me-up, try a low caffeine herbal tea in the afternoon. Green tea is my personal fav! If you’re on campus, check out the teas at Acorn and Oak House. Coffee too late in the day has a high chance of keeping you up late at night, and can also make you anxious. If you absolutely neeeeeed it, switch to decaf. Otherwise try a snack instead, like almonds, dark chocolate, or some fruit. Trail mix is a perfect combo!

4. Cut out naps

Sometimes we feel like we can’t possibly function without a little midday snooze. You know, the ones that are supposed to last 20 minutes and end up lasting 2 hours? The worst. Unfortunately, napping during the day can seriously mess-up your sleep cycle. Think about it—half the time you end up feeling sluggish, grumpy and stressed anyways. Try to push through it and instead tell yourself you will go to bed 30 minutes earlier!

5. Eat earlier

Eating late means your digestive system is going to be working late. This can keep your body from feeling tired when it’s time for bed. Eat dinner earlier and avoid late night snacks so your body will be on your side when you’re ready to sleep! By shutting down the kitchen after dinner, you’ll avoid consuming “I’m bored” calories, and likely fall asleep easier.

6. Set a regular bedtime

Think about it... if you stay up past midnight six nights in a row, your body will not be very cooperative when you randomly tell it to fall asleep at 10 p.m. Work with yourself to get in a routine, whatever that may be! Face masks, candles, and a good book are great places to start. When it comes to bedtimes, consistency is key. Don’t give up if it takes a few days. It’ll be totally worth it.

7. Say goodbye to technology once you crawl into bed

Screen time will keep you awake, even after you close your eyes. Instead of watching Netflix or get sucked into the vortex of Instagram, Facebook, Twitter… you know how it goes. Try to shut down all electronics at least 30 minutes before you want to fall asleep. Like we said before, try reading a book instead. Your favorite one will never get old (Harry Potter, anyone?).

8. Clear your mind

Taking time to reflect on your day before you go to bed will help you “close” it out. Thinking positive and thankful thoughts will also help you let go of worries before bed. A clear mind is the best way to ease into a beautiful night’s sleep. Take some deep breaths and know that everything will be okay!