Pretty Little Secrets Series: Seven Ways to Make the Start of College Unforgettable

In this installment of the Pretty Little Secrets Series, I talk about lessons that students who have just started college should keep in mind as they begin their exciting journey. Looking back as a senior, I’ve compiled a list of tips to help you make the most of these unforgettable years!

College is such a wonderful time in your life. Endless amounts of work and decision-making go into the process of even getting there in the first place. Because of all the long, hard work involved, we all want to make the most of our time there.  Following the steps below ensures that your four years will be truly unforgettable.


I once took a Writing for Television class where the professor made an interesting point. She said, “When you’re living in a dorm at college, it’s like an episode of New Girl where you have constant storylines walking through the door.” By this she meant that there is pretty much never a dull moment. You just have to make sure that you are around to be a part of the TV episode that is your day. Everyone lives their own interesting life, even though you are all in the same position, figuring out how to navigate the first year of college. It is so important to hang out with everyone in your building. It’s the quickest and most convenient way to start building friendships. Plus, they are right there when you need some advice, are conveniently located near you to have a movie night and are there as the first shoulder to cry on when you get home after a tough day. Before you know it, some of them might become your very best friends.



The transition between high school classes and college is a major leap. It can seem a bit scary as you figure out how to navigate a college class The best advice I’ve ever been given is to go up to your professor after your first day of class to shake their hand and introduce yourself. Be vulnerable with them. By this I mean if a subject such as math intimidates you or is not your niche, tell them that. Explain to them who you are as a student, what your worries may be, the things you look forward to learning about and anything else you may want them to know about you. It breaks the ice, they will never forget you and it will help you get ahead in class. Expressing concerns and goals will make them much more inclined to help you, should you ever need it.  Heading to office hours whenever you can is a good way to get your professors to work with you to help master the concepts you don’t quite understand. It is way better than whining over a not-so-hot test score because you did not go for assistance beforehand.


I don’t know about you, but sometimes I just cannot bring myself to really get down to business in the library. It’s a place where everyone is expected to work hard, which makes me want to do everything but that! I found that sitting in my local coffee shop is a great way to force myself to focus in on my work in a more relaxed way. The people surrounding you are not all stressed, there is usually great music playing and you get to enjoy the delicious drinks and treats! It is a wonderful way to run into people you know, make new friends, and you may even lock eyes with a cutie on campus. There’s something special about a place where the conversations flow as easily and frequently as the coffee.



You must make the most of your time and do as much as possible, but find your perfect balance. If you are doing what is best for you, then you will feel less FOMO. College flies by before you know it and you have to take as many opportunities as you possibly can. Some days, you might feel like if you don’t get to that one party, you’ll regret it for the rest of your life. But in reality, there are some nights where you will not be in the mood, won’t be feeling too great or you will just be exhausted. That’s okay! You have to do what is best for you. I cannot tell you how many times I decided to do something different than some people wanted, and by the end of that supposed to be an “out of this world” night, they came home saying it wasn’t as fun as they had expected it to be. On the flip side, you may have had an exhausting day where you don’t feel like running to Target for twenty minutes with your friend, but that extra quality time can be special. To sum it all up, make the most of your time in a way that works for you!


Some people experience homesickness more than others, but it does not hurt to call home every once in a while. College is such a transformational experience and your family will definitely want to hear all about it. They will want to live vicariously through you as all of the excitement occurs. Plus, whether they tell you it every single day in a text message or not, you have to know that they are missing you. And if you ask nicely, they can even let you FaceTime with your pets!


Try at least once a week to take a mental check-in with yourself. Life can be an emotional rollercoaster and we all have good days and bad ones because we are only human. On days when you’re down, fiind ways to fill those gaps with activities that you love, such as joining a club to play a sport that you miss. Make sure to jump out of your comfort zone and try new things! You can surprise yourself when venturing out as you may find new loves and passions along the way. Also, you have to constantly ensure that you are surrounding yourself with people that only contribute to your happiness and don’t take away from it.


This is not my way of endorsing you being on your phone 24/7. Though, it is really important to take as many great pictures and silly videos as you can. These are precious moments that you will want to look back on as soon as your summer after your first year. If you want to go super vintage with it, go invest in one of those colorful polaroid cameras to capture the moments in a new way. On the other hand, some moments you will be so sucked into that you’ll forget to capture even a single Snapchat of them, and those are some of the best.


I hope these tips make the beginning of your college journey a smooth and wonderful ride! Stay tuned for next week, where I’ll dive into dorm tips as the secrets of my Pretty Little Secrets Series continue to unfold. Until next time!

Arielle Berlinsky