Collage in College: Art Therapy

It’s midterm season and that always means lots of stress and anxiety in the air. It’s important to take study breaks and I have learned collaging is a great way to relax and get your mind off of your overwhelming stress.

Collaging is a form of art therapy and studies have shown it helps people get out their anger and sadness. This tool for calming down is perfect for college because you can get a quick study break in while also upgrading your room.


To start collaging, pick out pictures you love that are positive and make you happy. Whether the pictures are from your favorite magazine or a Pinterest mood board you created, print them out and get started!


It’s fun to jam out in your room to your favorite music while deciding how you want to hang up your pictures. My collage back at home consists of over 200 pictures I’ve accumulated over the years. They range from pictures of celebrities to places I love. I notice when I get bored and stare at my wall, I’m instantly in a better mood.


Collaging is a great way to get your mind off of whatever is going on and it lets you take some time to relax and show your artistic side.

Zoe Lewis