Avoiding Awkward Thanksgiving

Picture this: you and your fam are sitting at the dinner table, ready to feast for Thanksgiving. Everything’s perfect, you’re about to take a bite of your grandma's famous mashed potatoes when all of a sudden the questions start. “What are you gonna do after college?” “What even is your major?” “Those snowflake liberals….” “Do you have a boyfriend, yet?” Thank you, next! We’ve all been there, here’s how to go about answering those awkward AF Thanksgiving day questions!!

Don’t make it an issue if you don’t have to.

Try to avoid pre-emptively saying “I don’t want to talk about (politics, my relationship status, money, etc…) this year. The subject you’re worried about might not even be brought up!

Don’t be afraid to change the subject!

If a topic comes up that you really don’t want to talk about, it’s okay to change the subject. It’s important not to correct or put anyone down by doing so. Instead of getting defensive, just redirect the conversation to a different topic.

Team up with a family member.

Pick out your favorite family member, whether that be a sibling, cousin, etc. and prep them beforehand. “Hey, if (the subject you want to avoid) comes up, will you help me change the conversation?” Have them bring up a funny story they just can’t wait to tell, or literally ANYTHING BUT the topic you want to talk about!

Delay, delay, delay!!

If the topic comes up, reply with “it’s a long story, I’ll tell you later,” or “I have to go help grandma with something”, and then never talk about it.

Script your answers beforehand

Nothing is worse than being put on the spot about something you really weren’t prepared to talk about. Take some advice from politicians: keep your answer short, end that conversation with your answer, and then immediately change the subject.

If you use any of these tips and tricks, let us know @ElonEdge on Twitter! May the odds be ever in your favor this Thanksgiving.

Samantha Bobal