Tips and Tricks to Keep You Healthy and Happy Over the Holiday!

It’s easy to let yourself go overboard during Thanksgiving break. We totally get it! After suffering through the month of short days and long school weeks, our bodies are ready for a vacation. However, this doesn’t mean we have to return to school feeling just as “blah” as we did before.

Offer to cook some Thanksgiving dishes (and make them healthy!)

You can truly never make enough food at Thanksgiving. No one could possibly say no to another delicious dish. So, offer to cook, and this time put a healthy spin on it! This can be done pretty easily. Either look up healthy recipes or use an old favorite by cutting out some of the butter, sugar, salt, etc. to make your recipe a little healthier.

Keep moving

Going home for break is the perfect time to sit back and relax. However, don’t completely lose yourself in the couch. Try to get up and get moving at least once a day! This doesn’t mean you need to be hitting the gym. Instead, take your dog for a walk (we know you missed it), force a sibling to play a game of tennis, go on a stroll with friends or even challenge your family to a game of backyard football!

Watch out for leftovers

Pigging out is what Thanksgiving is meant for. We totally stand by eating everything in sight on turkey day! That isn’t really the’s the days that follow. Leftovers might just be the silent killer. We know it’s hard, especially since you already broke any sort of established healthy streak on Thanksgiving day. But, if you try to hold off on eating unhealthy leftovers you will thank yourself later!

Stay away from negative energy

Holidays can sometimes be stressful. Family members question your future, your relationship status and sometimes even your hair length. This can secretly cause some damage to what should be a happy, stress-free break. Just remember, it’s totally normal to feel overwhelmed by these situations. Try to surround yourself with positive thoughts and remember that you are doing just fine!

Catch up on sleep

Although break is a great time to commit to a new Netflix show or stay out late with old friends, remember that it’s also the perfect time to recharge! Stay on a healthy sleep schedule to give your body a chance to relax and rest.

Spend quality time

At the end of the day, Thanksgiving is about being with those you love. Step away from technology and accept that this will be a great break for not just your body, but also your brain!

Laughing and enjoying family and friends will have you feeling healthy and rejuvenated as you continue to enjoy your holiday break.

Dowling King