How to Deal with Flight Anxiety

Holiday season is upon us (yay!). This means spending some much needed time away from school with family, friends and, for many of us, this includes flying to wherever we want to go. The concept of flying is one that gives many of us stress and anxiety, myself included. Over the past couple of years I’ve come up with a few tips on how to deal with flying, and though I still struggle with it myself, we find these tips will helped whenever you have to fly.

Tip #1: Perspective

This is based off a piece of advice my dad gave me. It helps to think about the future whenever you travel. What does this mean? It helps to calm nerves when you think about how you are going to be at your final destination (maybe even home) in just a few hours. You just have to get through a few uncomfy hours in order to spend many cozy days at home, and it will be SO worth it. Because soon you’ll be able to be on your bed or couch, watching Netflix with your friends and family while you binge on snacks. You just have to put the travel into perspective.

Tip #2: Watch Something Funny

One thing I like to do while I’m waiting to board my flight, or even before I get to the airport, is watch something funny to get my mind off of flying. You can find some good standup on Netflix or just some shows to make you laugh. My personal favorite is watching clips from the Late Late Show with James Corden on YouTube—it takes my mind right off whatever I was stressing about. Plus, it involves Carpool Karaoke, so what’s not to like?

Tip #3: Snack and Stay Hydrated

I promise you these two things help immensely. You know what’s worse than feeling stressed or anxious on a flight? Feeling dehydrated, hungry and stressed on a flight. After I get through security, I always make it a point to go to the nearest store by my gate to buy a large bottle of water and some Chex Mix. Your body already gets super dehydrated on the flight, so make sure to hydrate up and make sure your stomach is feeling comfortable, not empty.

Tip #4: Sleep and Dramamine

Planes are a great way to catch up on some much needed sleep! For me, I’ll pop in some Dramamine and it will help me feel a bit drowsy while also helping with motion sickness. This ensures that you can sleep your way through most of the flight and then before you know it, you’ve landed!

Tip #5: Listen to Something Calming

Making a playlist full of songs you know will calm you down will help you destress before and during your flight. Go into the Spotify Browse section and look for a relaxing playlist that will take your mind off traveling. Audiobooks are also a great way to relax your mind before you board. Sometimes I’ll even listen to one during the flight instead of listening to music as I find it engages my mind more and acts as a great distraction. Once you’re on the plane, you can just close your eyes and listen to your favorite book! Another benefit to listening to audiobooks is that you really don’t know how long you’ve been listening—it’s a great time-killer!

Traveling can make you stressed and anxious for sure, but we hope this tips help you the next time you fly. And just remember, you’re not alone!

LifestyleFiona Didato