Weight-Watchers: The Key to a Healthy Lifestyle

As a college student, healthy food can be hard to find and keep up with. There are many ways to create a healthier lifestyle for yourself, whether it means cutting back on sweets, exercising more or even meditating. There are a plethora of options out there to help you stay fit. Weight Watchers has a one of a kind program to help you stay on the right track when it comes to health.

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Weight Watchers has created a program where it gives different foods different numbers of “points.” The average person starts out with 23 points a day. Apples, vegetables and other things like eggs all “cost” zero points. The less points you use, the better. The only difficult thing is keeping up with logging your food. Weight Watchers has made a very accessible app to make logging food just a little bit easier on you. WW also provides lots of healthy, free recipes. College students like myself need some help when it comes to preparing meals and this is one of the easiest ways to do it. It is not only easy and helpful, but beneficial as well.

Not only does the app log your food and eating habits, it logs your exercise. It is easy to sync with Fitbits, Apple Watches, and the iPhone health app. The program is creating an all-around healthy mindset that holds you accountable for your wellness.

It is wellness that works.

LifestyleLauren Callihan