Winter Skin, Be Gone!

Winter brings along cold, dry weather that doesn’t really help your skin. It can make your skin red, dry, puffy and can even sting. We’ve got you covered! Below are our tips on how to help your skin make it through this winter season.

#1: Face Masks

Face masks can be a great way of putting some much-needed moisture back into your skin. You can get some really cheap ones at Target for under $5, or if you’re looking to splurge a little, you can purchase some from Lush or Sephora. There are masks especially made to treat every skin type including dry skin, whether that be only during the winter months or that’s just the overall nature of your skin. Cosmopolitan magazine tried every one of Lush’s face masks, and if you’re interesting in finding one that could help you skin you can check it out here.

#2: Cleansers

Similar to face masks, if you find the right cleanser it can do wonders for your skin. They can replenish and hydrate dry spots or just spots that are in need of some must needed hydration. Some of our favorites brands include Fresh and Philosophy! Other helpful cleansers specifically for dry skin can be found here.

#3: Moisturize

Finding the perfect moisturizer for your skin can be a game changer. Once you find the right one, everything else becomes much easier for your skin. You may not even need cleansers or a face mask, but if you add putting moisturizer into your everyday regime, your skin will definitely thank you. This is an easy and quick fix to your dry skin, and putting little pot of moisturizer in you ban will make it easy to replenish your skin throughout the day.

#4: Jade Rollers

People go back and forth on whether these actually work or not. These essentially make the puffiness in your skin go away and also make it easier for product to soak into your skin. If you’re one to get puffy, dry skin when winter rolls around and you want for info on these, you can read reviews and more about them online on various websites, as it seems to be an upcoming trend for this year.

#5: Hydrate

We know you’ve probably heard this one a thousand times, but water really is your skin’s best friend. Hydrating yourself means hydrating your body and in turn, your skin. Do yourself a favor and bring a reusable water bottle wherever you go so you can sip on it throughout the day!

LifestyleFiona Didato