Self-Care During Finals

The time between Thanksgiving and Winter break is bittersweet. Finals can be brutal but right around the corner is break and the holiday season. During this time, we often work ourselves so hard we forget that taking time for ourselves will actually benefit us in our finals.

Take a look at these tips for controlling stress levels and taking care of yourself.

Schedule your day and week

In order to make the most of your time and prevent yourself from getting overwhelmed try scheduling your week. I first make a list of the major things I have to do in the week such as projects, papers etc. Next mark the day each assignment is due or when you hope to finish it. Once this is done, you can schedule your day by planning when and how long you will work on an assignment. Lastly, plan in activities or free time for yourself.


This cannot be urged enough! Your body needs to rest when you are working so hard. It has been proven that sleeping after learning new info helps retention. In addition, this will help keep you healthy during a time when the body can be worn down easily.

Do not eat crap!

I admit I have the biggest sweet tooth and it is so easy for me to fall victim to chocolate during stressful times, but ultimately it just makes me feel gross. It is really about balance. Try to eat plenty of fruits, veggies, meats etc to fuel your body. Also make sure to keep yourself hydrated. Trying limiting candy as a treat for finishing an assignment or task.


Try to make time for physical activity around finals. You can hit the gym, go for a mom walk or even do a quick routine in your room to get your heart rate up in between classes. Exercise produces endorphins which make you feel better, this serves as a natural stress reliever.

Have fun!!

Schedule in some time for yourself. Hang out with friends, watch a movie, whatever makes you happy! So often there feels like there is no time for anything but school but there is always time for a little fun.