My Crystal Journey

Healing crystals have become quite a mainstream holistic treatment. When first introduced to them by one of my lovely friends, I was skeptical, but intrigued. Celebs such as Kim Kardashian West and Kate Hudson have explained how their crystals have gotten them through the most difficult of times. Being the type of person who tends to stretch herself too thin, I figured there was no harm in seeing what crystals are all about.

If you’re new to the idea of crystals you may be skeptical and I totally get that. But hear me out. As an amateur crystal user who began her journey roughly two weeks ago, I have a few noteworthy observations.

Before we delve into my experience, we should go over how in the hell crystals work. Again, from an amateur crystal user, the idea of vibrations is key. We are made of matter and have an energy within us and so do crystals. Different crystals radiate different vibrations that can help you with various aspects in your life. As the wise Albert Einstein once said, “Everything in life is vibration.”

So how does one get involved with crystals? For some reason I thought that going into a crystal shop would be a life changing experience the moment I walked through the doorway. TBH, it wasn’t as magical as my mind led me to assume. My friend told me to buy crystals I am physically attracted to, rather than looking up properties and characteristics beforehand. I ended up purchasing four crystals that day: rose quartz, malachite, black onyx, and lavender glass.

It was so surprising to me how well I related to the situations these crystals can help me with. Self love is unfortunately something I struggle with, but luckily something that rose quartz is meant to help with. Malachite absorbs negative energies around you, such as common stress related to school. It was interesting to see that all these crystals had some connection to things I am currently experiencing. I have been using my crystals for the past two weeks and it truly is interesting how just holding certain ones in the palm of my hand can make me feel calmer and more centered.

A few days ago, during the full moon my friend and I went to charge our crystals. We laid out a blanket by a lake near our dorm and just sat and talked. So far, my crystal journey has been a positive experience and I can’t wait to continue the process. I definitely recommend trying it out!

PHOTO: courtesy of