5 Things about being a Vegetarian

Eating healthy in college is one thing. It seems like every day someone is on a new diet, can’t eat this, or is allergic to that. As much as I hate to admit it, I am one of those people. For some, it’s a long-standing lifestyle change, and for others, it’s just a trendy diet restriction. People go vegetarian for a number of reasons.

Although some have dabbled in being vegan at times throughout college, it isn’t always practical. For example, while studying abroad in Florence, there simply might be no way to restrict yourself from eating cheese. 

With every “Let’s go out to dinner,” there is always the follow-up, “Can you even eat anything there?” So with that, we would like to dispel some of the confusion regarding a lifestyle that doesn’t involve eating meat.

  1. Almost every restaurant has some selection of salads on the menu. Even if it has chicken or some kind of meat on it, going out to dinner is not as hard as one would think. It’s easy to kindly ask your waiter to leave out an unwanted ingredient.

  2. We don’t eat fish. That’s pescatarianism which basically is vegetarianism, it just doesn’t count fish as living creatures.

  3. No, it doesn’t upset us if you order a burger, unless you plan to force-feed it to me once it arrives. Order whatever you’d like. If your vegetarian friend is respectful of others, there shouldn’t be any issues. 

  4. Can we eat eggs? Yes, this is where the whole vegan world comes in. They don’t eat anything that has been produced from a live animal. 

  5. “You must not get any protein.” This is probably the most common misconception. However, vegetables, tofu, chickpeas, and a ton of other foods have enough protein to sustain you.