The Democratic Debate In Our Current Political Climate

Last Tuesday, my roommate and I watched the latest CNN democratic debate. We agreed on most of the points made and actually like a lot of the same candidates. Weirdly, I don’t think we’ve fully told each other our political leanings, although I bet we’ve each had fun guessing. But does it really matter? 

About a week earlier before the debate, Ellen Degeneres sat next to George Bush, and the entire world exploded.

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 People took to Twitter to voice their opinions, “What is a gay liberal doing sitting next to a heterosexual, white male republican?” Celebrities took sides, and it felt like everyone had to take a side, but there is no true side to take. Ellen explained on her show she’s friends with a lot of people who don’t believe in the same things as her. In a way, I agree. I went to a very conservative high school where a lot of my beliefs were not shared by other students . I was friends with people who disagreed with me politically. I often would wonder why they believed and supported certain individuals, and I’m certain they thought the same things about me. My friends are kind, caring and always have my back, regardless of their political stance. However, I've wandered down this rabbit hole recently of distancing myself from people who blatantly disagree with my political stance. Why have we become so dependent on someone’s political stance as a way to judge their character? I think a lot of the younger generation does this because so many of their peers are apathetic to politics that they feel they have to go to the other extreme. 

As I was talking to some people in my politics class, I noticed that one student was surprised when I wasn’t immediately alarmed by her discovery of another student’s political party.  I want to be friends with people who are kind and tolerant of others beliefs, values and life experiences. A good person does not have to come with a political party attached. 

My main point is that we have become so polarized by the political climate that the only criteria important to us is that our friends believe and exist in the same political sphere as us. Don’t fall down the same rabbit hole as me. Talk to others about politics, and don’t judge them the moment they disagree with you! To those that I have offended and judged for your beliefs, I’m sorry.