Gratitude Journals

We know it’s a pretty cheesy concept, but thinking about what you’re grateful for is underratedly healthy for your wellbeing. It reminds you of everything you have rather than the things that you don’t. Gratitude allows you to stop comparing yourself to others and learn how to focus on self-love and self improvement.

A gratitude journal is an easy way to keep track of your thoughts. By writing your thanks physically, you create space to step away from your busy, tech-filled college life and remind yourself what you love about you

Try writing down a few things everyday that you’re grateful for. Finding a cute journal doesn’t hurt either. The act of physically writing down your gratitude can improve your mood, outlook on life, and attitude toward others as well as declutter your thoughts. It allows you to simplify your life into two categories: what you’re thankful for and what you wish to improve. More often than not, you’ll find many more things to be grateful for than you did before you started a gratitude journal.

To get you started, we picked out a few journals you might like:

French Floral from Papier

Vegan leather from Russell + Hazel 

The Positive Planner from Urban Outfitters 

Wilder Journal from Anthropologie