5 Tips for Bringing Your Significant Other Home for the Holidays

As we get deeper into cuffing season and the holidays begin to approach, many of us might be considering bringing a significant other home to meet the family for the first time. Whether you’re worried about what your partner will think of your family or if your parents will approve, here are a few tips to ensure the first encounter goes smoothly.

1. DTR - Define the relationship

It’s necessary to be on the same page about where you stand as a couple, or as “just friends,” before you introduce your partner to your parents. If there’s some gray space around the definition of your relationship, you run the risk of your family defining it for you, correctly or not.

2. Let them know who they’ll be meeting

Try to prepare your significant other for who they’ll be meeting. Holidays are typically a time spent with lots of family, so prepare them by letting them know which of your extended fam to focus on getting to know. It would also help to give a little background on the family members as well to create some easy discussion topics.

3. Expect embarrassing moments

Like every other holiday, it’s not unusual to take a walk down memory lane, which may include some embarrassing stories from your childhood! Just keep in mind that your significant other is probably looking forward to learning more about your upbringing, the normal parts and the embarrassing ones alike. 

4. Plan out sleeping arrangements

Some families may be cool with you sharing a room while you’re visiting, but others may not be. Make sure to talk to your family to get a sense of the sleeping arrangements so you can let your partner know what they should expect.

5. Confirm dietary needs
Talk with your partner about their dietary restrictions—whether it’s an allergy, specific diet, or even just a food they can’t stand. It’s a good idea to get a feel for it so you can pass that information on to your host. This will make sure there’s no hurt feelings over food not being eaten.

Finally, try not to stress too much! Bringing someone who’s important to you home to meet your family may seem like a daunting experience, but rest easy knowing that if your significant other can handle your family, they can probably handle anything and may be in it for the long run.