Tips on How to Combat Sleep Deprivation in College

As college students, it often feels as though we can never get quite enough sleep, as we are always on the go. Between classes, extracurriculars, nightlife, roommates, and homework, we often run ourselves until we can’t run anymore. 

So what can we do to get a few extra z’s at college? 

To start, you should always put your phone down for 30 minutes a day and at least an hour before you go to bed. We know this is hard because social media consumes our world, but the blue light that comes off of our devices stimulates the brain and makes it very hard to get some shut-eye. 


Next, try to establish a routine. Having a nightly routine will train your brain to fall asleep at consistent times. 

Third, try meditation or deep breathing before bed. This can help calm your thoughts and relax your mind so you are in a peaceful sleep as you doze off. Some apps that college students have found really helpful are Calm, Headspace and Oak, but there are so many to try! 

Furthermore, it’s been proven that getting in a 20-minute nap daily can rejuvenate you. It shouldn't be longer than 20 minutes because longer naps can cause sleep inertia or a period of grogginess. So get that quick nap in between classes!

Finally, if you need a little help getting to sleep, melatonin is a great option! Don’t take it every night because you could become dependent, but every once in a while when you can’t stop tossing and turning in your sheets, melatonin might do the trick!