Quick Workout Tips

As the semester is coming to an end, everyone seems to have a bazillion things to do. With a to-do list as long as Jared Leto’s hair, it becomes easy to write off your workout. While skipping out on one workout may seem like no big deal, it has long been proven that exercise can boost your productivity and alleviate stress. Here are a few ways you can build workouts into your busy schedule. 

1. Sign up for a class

Workout classes are around 45 minutes on average, which is often the amount of time each of us procrastinates in between doing assignments. With a fitness instructor leading the way, you can bank on an extra-efficient workout that will give you all the energy you need to conquer the day. 

2. Do a combo workout 

Use your time wisely. If you have 40 minutes in between class, spend 20 of those minutes doing a combo workout. To perform a strength-training circuit, you must alternate between intervals of intense activity (like burpees for 15 to 30 seconds at a pace that makes it tough to talk) and active recovery (walking or light jogging for 30 to 60 seconds). This workout will not only wake you up but will tone your body. 

3. Break a sweat right before you shower

While you’re waiting for the water to warm up, use the edge of the tub or toilet and do tricep dips or incline push-ups with your feet elevated on a surface. This will get you nice and sweaty before your hot shower. 

4. Move while you wait 

The next time you wait in line at the mailroom or for the Biobus to arrive, do calf raises (come up onto your toes, pause, then slowly come back down). It's not much, but it’s better than doing nothing. 

5. Stand Up    

If you can’t find anytime in your day to hit the gym, just stand up. Standing up can be more beneficial to your body than doing a long workout and then sitting at a desk all day. Set a timer on your phone while you’re doing work to remind yourself to stand up every hour and move around. 

Make sure to let us know @TheEdgeMag if you try any of these tips out!