The search for the most pristine latrine in Elon

Elon Restroom Reviews, or @eurestroomreviews, popped up on Instagram this past June. The creator of the page, who asked to remain anonymous, “decided it would be funny to start reviewing different bathrooms” around campus while they were working on campus over the summer. 

They were initially “hoping the account would get some traction, but if it didn’t, it would just be something silly for my friends and me to laugh at,” they explained. To gain more followers, the owner “started following a bunch of students who had Elon in their Instagram bios and followed everyone back who followed me. Now I’ve been growing more organically.“

To date, the page has 456 followers and 48 reviews posted! They rate the bathrooms based on criteria such as cleanliness, sense of privacy, overall aesthetic, supplies and their favorite part. The scores are then added up and amount to a letter grade for the bathroom overall.

In the owner’s opinion, “the best bathrooms are definitely the Inman Admissions first floor bathroom next to the financial aid office, Alamance Building first floor, and Upstairs Lakeside. They’re usually clean, they’re big, pretty, and unique. I really like all three of those. I think they all got A’s and A-’s with my ratings.” The Inman Admissions bathroom was actually the first bathroom featured, as it was their favorite at the time.

Overall, the creator is happy with the account as it is and “since I have a business account on Instagram, I can see engagement statistics and stuff, so I see that my posts get sent around a lot. That makes me happy. I’m glad that people find my weird little account as funny as I do and want to share it with their friends.”

Their goal for the page is to visit every bathroom on Elon’s campus before they graduate, which they still have a few years to do. Right now, they say they’ve “been pretty much all over main campus, but I need to get over to places like the Francis Center and Jonston Hall and Arts West.”

Be sure to check out @eurestroomreviews on Instagram and submit your ideas for other on-campus restrooms they should review!