5 Steps to Reset Your Diet After Eating too Many Mashed Potatoes

If, despite every intention of balance and moderation you completely overindulged on Thanksgiving, don't panic. I’m sure grandma's stuffing was worth every bite, and getting back on track will be a piece of pie with these five easy steps. 

Step 1: Don’t Stop Eating 

I know you may be tempted to just not eat, but skipping meals only forces your body to shift into conservation mode and burn fewer calories. Skipping can also make you more likely to hang onto any fat you've gained rather than letting it go. Try to eat a balanced breakfast within an hour of waking up, and eat your remaining meals three hours apart. 

Step 2: Drink More Water 

Just drink water! H2O supports optimal metabolism, and helps naturally curb appetite. Drinking more water also flushes out excess sodium to help you quickly debloat, and it gets your digestive system moving to relieve constipation. Don’t add extra calories to your diet by drinking that extra glass of wine you know you don’t need. 

Step 3: Potassium is Your Friend 

Potassium helps you de-bloat and feel lighter by sweeping excess sodium out of your body and relieving water retention. Have yourself a bowl of Lima beans, spinach salad, or half an avocado, and within a two-to-three days you will feel lighter. 

Step 4: Walk it Off 

After turkey day comes Black Friday, which is the perfect opportunity to get into town and burn off some calories as you fight for the hottest deals– think about it, the more you shop, the more sweet potatoes you burn!

Step 5: Laugh 

If you plan to eat leftovers for days, then laughter is the best way to give your body a mini workout. An hour of laughing can burn as many calories as a 30-minute weight-lifting session.