The Best Ways to Keep Your Life Organized

Organized people are not born that way, they pick up healthy habits and implement them into their lives. Those of us who are not so organized, need to follow in their lead. Here’s how:

  1. Make schedules and deadlines

    The most organized people don’t waste a single second of their time. They are on top of every hour of every day. Being able to create a schedule with deadlines and putting that either online or in a planner, allows for you to be productive.

  2. Set goals

    Set goals for yourself. You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t have the motivation to get there and achieve those goals. Make sure to stick to your goals, don't lose that motivation. Life is too short not to do what matters most to you.

  3. Declutter on a regular basis

    Schedule a day each week to declutter your room, your computer and your car. The best day to do so would be Sunday so  you start your week off on the right foot. Stuff just doesn’t stay organized on it’s own, it needs to be kept up with consistently.

  4. Write things down

    Research has shown that the more we write things down, the easier it is to remember. Trying to contain information and certain things on your schedule just makes it more complicated in the end because you are bound to forget. Write everything down and keep track of where you are writing everything down.

  5. A To-Do List

    Whether it is during class, during work or just walking to get food, things are always popping into our minds. Instead of forgetting it five minutes later after getting distracted, write it down on a to-do list. Keep it on your phone and  your computer. You can even keep it on a piece of paper just for backup. Then, when you have time throughout the day, consolidate them all into one and knock that list out.