You can check “Internship with Jimmy Fallon” off this junior’s bucket list

Junior Shekinah Reese spent her city-girl-summer interning for The Tonight Show starring Jimmy Fallon. Yes, you read that correctly. Jimmy Fallon. 

If you ask her, Reese will tell you she has always wanted to work in television production professionally. A solidifying factor in that desire was her involvement in one of ESTV’s entertainment/talk shows, eTalk, during her first year at Elon.

Reese attributes the majority of her television experience to eTalk, where she has since earned one of the organization’s top roles: show producer. Through this position, Reese has fine-tuned her ability to plan shows, make sure everything is ready for taping and so much more. 

“It’s given me so much professional experience,” she said. “I honestly don’t think I could have gotten this internship without having something like that under my belt.” 

And that experience is exactly what gave her a leg up on the application process. After applying, Reese was told what she already knew - the chances of any given applicant landing the internship were lower than low. 

But this go-getter stuck with it. And as a result, was hired as a General Production and Costumes Intern in May. 

Besides her subway commute, each day in Rockefeller Center looked different for Reese. Some days consisted of running errands and picking up costumes around the city, while others were spent in the studio with the team, which occasionally included Fallon himself, acting out upcoming sketches for the show. 

The role that Reese cherished most, however, was being in the studio recording the show. It was her responsibility to record a backup version of the show, in case something were to go wrong technologically, which really made her feel as though her work was worthwhile. 

“Knowing that what I was doing was helping was cool.” 

Now, after a summer interning with one of America’s most charming entertainers, Reese is certain in her career goals.

“I knew going into it, just from doing eTalk here, that I really enjoy a television style of working,” she said. “This was my way of figuring out if this is actually what I want to do with my life.”

If interning for Jimmy Fallon wasn’t already reason enough to mark this summer in the books, Reese spent her down time truly embracing her independence in one of the world’s most exhilarating cities - exploring Manhattan and relaxing in Washington Square Park, a spot close to her Greenwich apartment. 

It was in this down time when Reese learned the importance of exploration. She admits that it was refreshing to escape the “Elon bubble” and interact with so many different people she didn’t know.

She even admits to getting “lost” in the city that surrounded her, and encourages anyone to be unafraid of wandering and interacting with people they may not know. 

As star-struck as she found herself at times, Reese reflects on her internship as humbling, in a way. 

“I learned that everyone that got to the top of where they are probably started as an intern at some point, which is kind of encouraging,” she said.

She knows that, although holding a low position doesn’t always feel worthwhile, everyone has to start somewhere. And her “somewhere” wasn’t too shabby. 

Reese hopes that her previous summer endeavor will mirror the professional life she will construct post-graduation. As for now, Reese is sticking to going after her dreams, no matter how big they may seem. 

“The chances of me getting this were so low,” she said, “so just try for whatever you want. The worst thing you’re going to get is rejected.”