5 Quick, Easy Breakfast Ideas for Every Day of the Week

You’ve heard it before: breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Your preschool teachers, parents, and the back of every cereal box you’ve ever purchased have all been saying this for our entire lives, yet it’s usually the last thing we think about in the morning. We used to eagerly slurp the chocolate milk from our Coco Puffs or jam our ZooPals plates with as much bacon, scrambled eggs, fruit and sweets we could find. 

Eating breakfast is crucial for your day-to-day function. Even having something small will keep you full, focused, and more likely to make better food selections later on in the day. Eating breakfast regularly has also been shown to improve memory and attention, and as overworked college students, we are in no position to pass up that opportunity. We need to make breakfast fun again, before we lose the most important meal for good. 

We’ve put together 5 breakfast recipes to help you get your breakfast mojo back. There’s something in here for everyone, whether you’re vegetarian or vegan or only have two extra minutes in the morning for a meal, we’ve got you covered. Try these out at home and share your creations with us on Instagram! Tag us and share away!

Apple Sliders

Start your week with a classic combo, apples and peanut butter. Slice the apple vertically into cookie-like slices, and spread peanut butter, or Nutella if you’re cravings some chocolate, and then sprinkle on whatever you want. My go-to is coconut shavings and dark chocolate chips, but throw on whatever you have around. Layer slices for a slider-like visual effect. 

Yogurt Bark

This one takes a bit of preparation but is definitely worth the wait. Take your favorite yogurt and pour it evenly onto a parchment-lined cookie sheet. Cut up berries, or any kind of fruit you have in the house, and sprinkle them onto the yogurt. Place the sheet into the freezer and let it sit overnight. In the morning, lift the paper out and break the yogurt into pieces of “bark”. Take a few for the road and save the rest for snacks later. Mix and match and try out new combos every week. 

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Spice up your average fried egg for the middle of the week. Take a slice of bread, place a cup upside down in the middle of the bread and cut out a circle. Butter both sides of the piece of bread and place it on a pan over medium heat to warm it up for a minute or two. Crack an egg inside the hole and let it cook through until the egg white becomes opaque. Flip over toast (add cheese on top of the egg beforehand if you’d like, or any other seasoning for that matter), and wait a minute to serve (I always opt for sriracha on top!)

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Sweet Potato Avocado Toast

We’re making avocado toast even healthier and good for our gluten-free friends. Sub out the toast for sweet potato slices. Cut thin, long sweet potato slices, brush them with olive oil and places them in the toaster (or in a pan with oil) on medium-high heat for five minutes on each side. Mash up the avocados and spread them on top of the cooked sweet potato slices and season however you’d like. 

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The Tomato Sandwich

If you grew up eating these as a kid in the summer, then you remember how awesome they are. The tomato sandwich is so simple and fun to play around with. I love a classic tomato slice on whole wheat toast with mayonnaise. You can add spinach, arugula, kale and any greens you like, as well as cheese (I would highly recommend ricotta) and spices. The perfect staple to finish off the week.   

Be sure to snap a pic and tag us @theedgemag if you try any of these recipes!