A Must Read: Why Men Love Bitches by Sherry Argov

It’s no secret that the dating scene at Elon can be a little disappointing. Zoom classes have left us in the dust for making conversation with new people, Tinder matches go nowhere, and masks make it impossible to recognize anyone. Thankfully, Sherry Argov’s tried and true book, Why Men Love Bitches, teaches us how to navigate dating without the additional stress.

The best part about Why Men Love Bitches is that it's an empowering book for women. All too often, dating advice puts an emphasis on playing games or adjusting your personality and actions to fit the wants of men. As strong, empowered women, we can’t be changing the core of who we are for someone we want to date. Instead, we need to be self-aware in our dating lives and become the Bitch.

Argov emphasized that to be the Bitch is not to fulfill the connotation that it is normally associated with, but rather to be a woman who is in control of her own life. To be a Bitch means you are living a fulfilled life, and if you have time to date, but you’re not one to sit around and wait for a man. Being a Bitch means being independent so that a man can be an addition to your life, but not a necessity. 

Knowing your worth and not letting yourself get pushed around was hugely stressed as the key to being in control of your own life. Argov noted that if you have plans with the girls on Thursday, and he asks you to go out, turn him down and instead give him a different day that works with your schedule. According to the book, being fiercely in control of how you live your life lets him know that he could lose you at any moment because you don’t need him to function. Knowing that you would be fine without him is what’s going to get him to stay. 

Why Men Love Bitches changed how we think about dating, and we think it will do the same for you. Dating shouldn’t be something that adds more stress to your life, and reading this book is the first step to having a more positive and empowering relationship with dating. 

Photo by Izzy Gouveia

Photo by Izzy Gouveia

Beauty & WellnessAnna Cave