Everything You Need To Know Before Getting Your First Vampire Facial

In 2013, Kim Kardashian famously used the ‘vampire facial,’ and in recent years, it has blown up as a trend. We will say, it’s definitely not for the weak or squeamish. We mean, this kind of facial doesn’t get its name for nothing. 

The facial involves an esthetician drawing your blood and microneedling the blood onto your face. If you ever came across the horrific selfie Kim K posted on Instagram after her treatment, you’ll be experience it IRL. (We’ll link it here, but click at your own discretion.)

Don’t get us wrong. There’s so many amazing benefits to vampire facials. For the sake of getting all the facts straight, we decided to call in the help of someone who actually has gotten one to get her perspective about her experience. Peyton Lukes is a student here at Elon and gave us the insider scoop on the process entails.

So, let’s break down the pros and cons:

Warning: This isn’t for the faint of heart!

The treatment starts by getting your blood drawn. Your blood is centrifuged, filtering everything but plasma. Your face gets lathered in a numbing cream, and your plasma is then put BACK on your face through microneedling. After the microneedling is finished, your esthetician massages excess plasma into your skin, and you’re good to go!

Probably the weirdest part is that you have to leave plasma on for at least four hours. Your face will also most likely be red, sensitive, and raw for a few days after, so definitely don’t plan a date anytime around your treatment day. 

However, tons of people receive treatment to eliminate the acne scar remnants, but it also serves as a way to even your complexion. A vampire facial can reduce wrinkles, sun damage, and even minimize your pores. 

One major downside is that for a vampire facial to be fully effective, you may need to do three treatments. You need a decently high pain tolerance to even partake in the first place. Also, it’s pricey - one treatment cost upwards of $600. 

Overall, you should do your research, and talk to your doctor/dermatologist before going under the needle. For some, it’s not really worth it. But for others, it’s the perfect solution if you’re a bit self conscious about your skin. It can truly be an investment that’s worthwhile in the long run. 

LifestyleJackie Baumann