Your Guide to Making Holiday Starbucks Drinks Healthier

We don’t know about you, but here at The Edge, we were counting down the days all semester until November 7 for Starbucks to release their holiday drinks. There’s just something about that red and green cup that makes a daily caffeine fix a little more magical.

Unfortunately, these holiday drinks tend to be filled with sugar and dairy—whether it be whipped cream and chocolate shavings or dozens of pumps of flavored syrups. And there’s nothing that kills the holiday spirit faster than feeling sick after your coffee. Here are a few changes you can make to these drinks to make them easier on your stomach. Pro tip: the modifications become super quick and easy by pre-ordering on the mobile app!


Switch your milk

Does dairy make you feel funky? Ditch it all together. Starbucks has plenty of options like almond, coconut, and soy milk. Figure out which one works the best for you and use it to replace whole milk. 

Half your pumps

Starbucks loves to load their holiday drinks up with sauces and syrups, but all that sugar can leave you feeling bloated and sluggish. We recommend reducing your pumps to half of the normal amount. You’ll have all the flavor but still feel great afterward!

Choose light whipped cream

Okay, let’s not be crazy. Whipped cream is an absolute necessity, especially during the holidays, so there’s no way we’re cutting it out all together. Starbucks allows you to modify how much is in your cup, and opting for light option can reduce dairy and sugar intake. Plus, less whipped cream means there’s more room for coffee!

Adjust your toppings

Starbucks loves to add cute garnishes to the tops of their holiday drinks even though they’re usually covered by the lid. Some of them end up adding flavor to the drink, like the caramel drizzle on the salted caramel hot chocolate, but some of them are only useful for the aesthetic of the drink, like the holiday sprinkles on the toasted white chocolate mocha. If you still want the flavor, opt for a light drizzle or sprinkle, but go ahead and nix the ones that aren’t adding any flavor to your drink.

We would love to see your holiday Starbucks drink modifications, so tag us @theedgemag on Instagram if you try any!

Beauty & WellnessAnna Cave