Post-Abroad Blues
For all of the juniors returning back to campus from all corners of the globe, the first week of spring semester can be a culture shock. You might hear a friend sarcastically say, “Wait… did you study abroad!?” when talking about that one time you walked the Great Wall or the buttery croissants you dearly miss in France.
Living abroad is a constant high of new cultures, food, languages, and perspectives. The energy of new cities is often electric and contagious, and there always seems to be somewhere new to explore. It’s cliché, but studying abroad changes people.
Senior Jessie LaLama, who studied abroad her junior fall, said she gained a sense of confidence and independence in herself that she didn’t have before spending a semester in Dublin, Ireland. LaLama never thought transitioning back to campus would be so difficult because she loves Elon so much.
“When I returned, I found myself missing Dublin and the city life more than I thought,” she said. “I was very happy to be back at Elon and reunite with so many people that I missed so much, but it took more time than I thought to be okay with being home. Classes were different and the structure of my days changed a lot when I got back. I tried to focus on how grateful I was for the experience and not to dwell on the fact that it was over.”
Now a year later, LaLama has some advice for returning abroad students.
“Everyone adjusts differently back to Elon, and it hits some people a lot harder than others. It’s definitely normal to feel sad or like a transfer student when you get back. Try to look back happily and be thankful for the experiences that you had while abroad and have something to look forward to for the rest of your time at Elon.”
Although returning to a rural town without weekend getaways or menus you can’t read can be disappointing, everyone back together is a comforting feeling. There are endless clubs and organizations to try to get out of your comfort zone and have new experiences like abroad. Find a new corner of Elon to explore and be kind to yourself as you adjust back to Elon life while reminding yourself why you choose to spend 4 years here in the first place.
Photo submitted by Jessie LaLama