Save Your Sight, Block Blue Light

Blue light blocking glasses have been all the craze over the past few months—they’re the newest must-have accessory! But these glasses are more than just a cute trend. So, what do they actually do?

Even those of us who have been blessed with 20/20 vision can benefit from blue light blocking glasses. Not only are they intended to help your sight now, but they can also prevent eye problems from occurring in the future. According to the New York Post, Americans spend half their lives in front of screens. With this statistic in mind, it seems almost crucial to invest in a pair of these glasses, which shield your eyes from the blue light that radiates from digital screens.


Blue light blocking glasses can alleviate eye discomfort after a long day of looking at screens. They prevent the strain that usually leads to the feeling of tired eyes.

Additionally, wearing these glasses can improve your quality of sleep. Blue light exposure stimulates our eyes, which explains why difficulty sleeping is becoming a more prevalent issue. So, if you’re looking for a better night’s sleep, consider investing in a pair of these bad boys!

Blue light glasses can also help fight against age-related macular degeneration, which is the top cause of blindness in the U.S. These glasses combat this condition by improving early symptoms of blurry vision.

So after all this talk, where can you get a pair of your own? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

  • Felix Grey sells high quality glasses in several styles and colors.

  • These glasses are a more affordable option for blue light glasses with many color and style options so you can find the perfect pair!

Beauty & WellnessLydia Elste