Dove "Real Beauty Sketches Ad" Needs More Attention, and Here's Why

In recent years, young girls and women all over the world have been fighting for gender equality. Whether it is showing up to rallies, voting for candidates who support equality, or doing little things in your everyday life, standing up for women’s equality is an important cause for many. More and more women are taking the time to fight for what is right: equality. 

Many ads have been launched in support of celebrating women all over the world. These ads have made waves in the fight for equality and have shown the importance of celebrating all women. Strides to throw away the media’s vision of what women should look and act like have allowed women to celebrate who they are.

Recently, personal care brand Dove launched a commercial to demonstrate the disparity between a woman’s image of herself and her true beauty, a disparity which exists because of the strict standard the media sets for women’s physical appearances.  

In the commercial, women meet with a sketch artist, who is unable to see them. The sketch artist relies on each woman’s description of herself in order to sketch her. Then, a second woman describes what she sees to the sketch artist. The commercial then shows the women seeing the two drawings: one based on their self description and the second based on someone else’s description. 

The women are often shocked when they compare the pictures and realize how hard they are on themselves. Through these sketches, Dove tells each woman that she is more beautiful than she thinks, a message that contradicts most modern media.

LifestyleMeredith Touhy