The 3 Wellness Apps That Guide Me Day-To-Day

1.     DARE

When we’re feeling overwhelmed and not sure what to do, we open this app and automatically feel a little more relieved and separated from our nerves. How amazing that an app on your iPhone can help relieve some difficulties you’re facing but also freaky that we have that kind of technology in the world!? But hey, we’re all for any chance of easing stresses.

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We love DARE because there are multiple categories you can choose from depending on how you’re feeling at that very moment. The categories are: “Anxiety Relief,” “Stop Panic Attacks,” “End Insomnia,” and “Overcome Worry.” For us, if we’re feeling particularly anxious, we listen to one of the pre-recorded audios on panic attacks.

Though the audios can’t cure anxiety or other mental health concerns, they sure do help. When you need something in the moment of panic or you’re simply way more stressed than usual, this application has many ways of guiding you through. Definitely take a listen to the audios, practice their deep breathing guides, and relax to the sounds of nature.  

2.     Shine

Similar to DARE, Shine has many outlets to choose from to guide you through the day. If you turn notifications on, the app will send you its morning audio everyday. Usually only a few minutes, the audio sets a positive tone for your day and allows you to feel energetic, motivated, and excited about the day to come. 

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There is a feature to “check in,” which WE LOVE. It is your way of checking in with yourself and diving into your own successes and challenges. The feature focuses on your mood and gratitude. We love this because it forces us to think of the things we’re thankful for in life. When we’re writing them down, we feel even more grateful and appreciative.

I love that Shine is all about positivity and taking a different approach to your day. I definitely recommend listening to the morning audio to help you seize each day with a positive mindset.

3.     Calm

You’ve probably heard of Calm since it has become very popular in the past year or so. But, let’s dive deeper into its features. Not only does Calm have guided audios, but it has a section for music ranging from sounds of nature to Sam Johnson’s beautiful melodies. 

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A new feature Calm offers is its sleep stories. There are many to choose from, but considering Matthew McConaughey has one, so I think the decision is pretty easily mad. Calm is a great app for anything you need, whether it be guided meditation, sleep stories, or even some love for your body.

Everyone has ups and downs in their lives. When I happen to be at a lower point and anxiety starts to overwhelm me, using these apps truly helps me relax and put things into perspective. Even if it is only for 5 minutes, listen to one of the guided audios and take a breather. You have no idea how much your day can change just by listening to an inspiring morning pep talk. 

LifestyleClaire Brodsky