The Truth Behind Being a Second Semester Senior

In the blink of an eye, my time in college is coming to an end, and I am freaking out. When I was a freshman, the seniors seemed to have their lives all put together. They looked and seemed so much more mature than I feel as a senior now. 

Going into senior year, I was excited to have one last year with my friends, soaking up everything #college and taking those classes I always wanted to take. However, as the first semester ended and spring semester began, the fear of graduation became very real. 

I look around and feel like everyone has their lives together. Every day, more and more people are accepting job offers and planning for their futures when I have no idea what I want to do. But I’ve learned that while it may seem like everyone has their life together, they might not. 

It’s totally okay to not know what you want to do after graduation. And good for you if you do! But that may not be the case for everyone. We are only 22 years old, and we have the rest of our lives to figure out what we want to do and who we are: there is always room for growth whether you’re 22 or 82. So relax, breathe, and take it all in. This may be the last time you’ll be living five minutes from your best friends, so enjoy it. 

Yes, it’s important to apply for jobs and make sure your resume is the best it can be. But that does not mean you shouldn’t enjoy what time you have left with the people who have become your best friends. So, take this time to soak it all in. The real world will be waiting for you when you’re ready: don’t rush it.

LifestyleMeredith Touhy