Next Big Thing: Surfaces

As many know, Tik Tok is all the rage right now. This duo consisting of Forrest Frank and Colin Padalecki have a world wide Tik Tok dance to their song “Sunday Best”. This is just the beginning for these emerging artists. Fully forming their group in 2017, Surfaces has released three albums: one in 2017, 2019, and 2020. They take a unique approach to crossing genre lines in many of their tracks. Many would describe their music as “feel good music” that can be compared to groups such as Rex Orange County with a hint of Charli XCII. 

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Surfaces is just finishing up their first tour of the United States. They made a pit stop in Charlotte, North Carolina on January 4th.  We were able to interview two people that have been fans for the past year and a half: “I appreciate their music not only because it’s good, but because of the artistry and work that goes on behind the scenes,” stated Lindsay Callihan. Padalecki began making music during his high school years with one of his cousins who was a singer. He continued working on his tracks throughout college at Texas A&M when he started to post his music online. Frank was based in Seattle at the time and happened to come across Padalecki’s music and reached out to see if they could record together. From there, their journey began.

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According to Lindsay, “At the concert they were talking about how they used to wash dishes at a restaurant and now they get to travel the country and do what they love. They come from extremely humble beginnings and are still very down to earth — it’s very hard to find that in people who are part of  the limelight today.” This is a band that deserves more recognition than they are currently getting. Everyone needs music they can listen to at the beach, during a long drive with the windows down, or simply just having a chill night with friends. Tim Werner, who also attended their concert in Charlotte said, “Surfaces is the next big thing because they are so unique. The way they implement real instruments and summer vibes into each song makes them stand out from the saturated pop/rap market.” Their music speaks to all people through their mix of genres and the lyrics in their songs.

Make sure to check them out on Spotify!

LifestyleLauren Callihan