Addicting 3-Ingredient Oreo Truffles

Quarantine allows for a lot of free time, which means a lot more time for baking! But , f you’re in the same boat as us, cookies, brownies and cupcakes just aren’t cutting it anymore. Enter Oreo truffles, one of the most underrated desserts of all time. Not only do they taste amazing, but the process couldn’t be simpler.


  • 1 package of Oreos

  • 8 oz. of cream cheese (our fav is Philadelphia of course)

  • 2 cups of chocolate chips (we went for semi-sweet)

That’s it! If you’ve got those three simple ingredients, you’re ready to go.

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Step 1: Crush the Oreos

Transfer the Oreos to a plastic bag—make sure it’s tightly sealed! While there are several ways to do this, the easiest is to use a mallet or rolling pin. You want the Oreo cookies as crushed up as possible!

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Step 2: Combine the cream cheese and Oreos

You’re going to have to get messy here, but we promise it’s worth it. Transfer the crushed Oreos to a bowl and mix them into the cream cheese with your hands until thoroughly combined.


Step 3: Roll ‘em up

Keeping with the whole messy thing, take a small amount of the mixture and roll into small balls (one-inch balls are a pretty good rule of thumb). Place each ball on a cookie sheet covered in parchment paper. Continue until you’ve used all of the mixture!


Step 4: Refrigerate

Pop those bad boys in the fridge, and let them sit until cold and firm. This usually takes around 30 to 45 minutes.

Step 5: Melt your chocolate chips

This self is pretty self-explanatory. Use whatever method you’d like! The melted chocolate chips are going to act as the coating for the Oreo balls, so make sure you mix it until smooth.

Step 6: Time to dip!

Using a spoon, dip each truffle into the melted chocolate. Make sure you don’t miss any spots!


Step 7: Return to fridge

Place the Oreo truffles back onto your baking sheet, and let them sit until the chocolate is completely hardened. Luckily, this part only takes about 15 to 20 minutes, so you don’t have to wait long!


Step 8: ENJOY!
You can thank us later. Be sure to tag us at @theedgemag if make these!

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