Everything We Know So Far About Selena Gomez’s New Makeup Line: Rare Beauty
Selena Gomez announced her makeup line “Rare Beauty” this past February on her Instagram account. Naturally, this generated a lot of excitement, but she left us with a bit of a cliff-hanger. Not much has been revealed about the brand thus far, so obviously we had to do some digging to figure out as much as possible so you don’t have to. Here’s what we know so far:
The makeup line will be available exclusively through Sephora and Rarebeauty.com.
In the video announcing the collection, Selena shares her thoughts: “Being rare is about being comfortable with yourself. I’ve stopped trying to be perfect. I just want to be me". It looks like the brand will focus a lot on self-confidence and being comfortable in your own skin (yay for body-positivity!).
The campaign will feature “real women.” She posted a casting call, #WeAreRare, for U.S.-based individuals to promote the brand in February after the brand announcement, in which she selected 50 people to represent the brand.
The Rare Beauty Instagram account, with 1.2 million followers already, posts inspirational quotes surrounding body positivity and “being yourself.”
She recently revealed in a conversation with Amy Schumer that the makeup line will feature 48 shades of foundation and concealer, to include everyone and every shade.
She just came out with a new album titled “Rare” on April 9th, anybody see a theme here? We are definitely going to feature the album on our summer playlists this year!
If we’ve learned anything from the makeup releases of Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Millie Bobbie Brown, we should all be excited for Selena Gomez’s new celebrity makeup line to drop this summer. With all of the positive buzz about the brand, it’s clear Rare Beauty is one to look out for!
Photo via Allure.