Returning to Elon: Facing a New Normal

We’ve been back on campus for about two weeks now, and boy does it feel different! If you’re feeling anxious, uneasy, homesick or lacking motivation, no worries—you’re not alone. Back in March, when everyone was initially sent home, I was counting down the days until I could come back and be a college student again. I craved the Elon I’ve known and loved for the past few years, but now that we’re back, there’s no denying it’s an entirely different atmosphere.

We went from gathering in groups of 50+ people on the weekends to be restricted to 10 in a room at the very most. Stopping and socializing with others between classes is a thing of the past as many of us adapt to a hybrid remote class schedule. Going to large dinners in the local area with groups of friends has turned into takeout and delivery meals enjoyed at home. Being on a college campus— a place typically characterized by its social atmosphere— in the midst of a pandemic is a difficult situation to navigate.

It’s crucial now more than ever that we prioritize our health and wellness while maintaining social distancing orders. While it’s certainly difficult that we can’t take part in many traditional activities that promote health and wellness, it’s not impossible! Here are a few ways to beat the back to school blues you may be feeling:

  1. Go on a picnic

    I gathered a few of my closest friends for this and had such a fun time. We went to the grocery store and bought all the staples for a charcuterie board and a big salad. We put on some cute outfits (because everyone needs the excuse to dress up right now!) and laid out a blanket on a field near Elon. This was the perfect way to make a meal special, bond with friends, and take fun pictures! 

  2. Take a long mom walk

    Let’s be honest, those at-home workouts are getting a little old. My friends and I have started going on walks almost every day! A few of us will meet up at a central location and enjoy a nice long walk. Tip: We like to walk through the Mill Pointe neighborhood on Truitt Drive. There’s a really big hill which is perfect to get your heart rate going! These walks are great for catching up with people and are an easy way to add some exercise into your routine.

  3. Binge a new show with your roommate(s)

    After a long day of classes, it’s nice to unwind with your roomies watching a show that no one has seen before! Recently, my roommates and I started Desperate Housewives, and we’re obsessed. This simple tradition has easily become one of the favorite parts of my day! There’s nothing better than cozying down on the couch with your friends after a long day.

  4. Start a DIY project

    While I’m sure you did your fair share of these at home, there are always new little projects to be done, and now you have friends to do them with! For instance, you could build and paint something useful for your dorm or apartment, such as a bar or bedside table! This is a really fun activity to do with a few people, and when it’s finished, you get to feel really proud of something you made yourself!

  5. Cooking

    If you have a kitchen, cooking with your friends is always a good time. Pinterest, Instagram and TikTok are all perfect platforms to find easy recipes to try. Whether it be an entire meal or simply a yummy dessert, the possibilities are endless!

While this school year is unlike any we’ve ever experienced, there are still ways to make it memorable! Allow yourself time to adjust to the new environment while surrounding yourself with a small group of friends who make you happy. One day at a time, we’ve got this.

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