Elon Foodie Accounts You Need to Follow Right Now

There’s an entire community online devoted to health, wellness and lifestyle, helping us to get through each day while trying to be the best version of ourselves. 

Luckily for us, we have this same kind of community right here at Elon! There are so many student-run accounts dedicated to cooking, baking, lifestyle and fitness. While each account differs in content and style, their messages promoting a healthy, happy lifestyle in college can be appreciated by all.

Check out these accounts for recipes, workouts, daily tip and overall some really great content!


Run by Emily Rodgers

Why did you start this account? 

“I started chocoholizm over quarantine because I needed a new hobby. I spent most of my time at home over that period making food and trying recipes I’ve always saved but never had time to make. So, of course, the perfect time to do it was during a pandemic. I also felt like it was also a good motivator to not be lazy with my meals and just eat whatever was convenient or easy to make. It allowed me to not spend every day in quarantine doing the same routine, because every day came with a new recipe.” 

What is your relationship with food? 

“I’ve always loved making desserts because I have the biggest sweet tooth ever! I love following other people’s food accounts and getting inspiration and ideas from them so I try to produce the same content for my profile as well!” 

Emily’s account is a perfect balance; You can find everything from morning oats and pancakes to her hand-crafted sandwiches, roasted chicken dinner and, of course, desserts! Emily makes everything right on campus, creating simple meals that taste like home. Check out her account next time you are looking to make an at-home meal!



Run by Avery Delacy 

Why did you start this account? 

“I started the account with my best friend Chloe. At first, it was solely dedicated to healthy food because we were so bored in quarantine. Over time, I started incorporating fitness into it as a way to hold myself accountable because I wanted to work out as much as I could.”

What is your relationship with food? 

“I really used this account as an outlet to make sure I was eating three meals a day and staying healthy. I never realized how unhealthy my relationship with food was until I started this account and started following other food accounts. I definitely had some disordered eating my sophomore year before making this account. I can now happily say that now I feel so healthy and get so excited to prepare meals and share workouts with my followers!”  

Avery’s foodie and fitness account has a large range of selections, so no matter what kind of restrictions you have or food you enjoy, you can find it all here! Their staple grocery store is Trader Joe’s, and they use a lot of local produce! If you love avocados and matcha as much as we do, this account is a must-see!



Run by Lily Butt 

Why did you start this account? 

“I created lifeoflilybutt because I always wanted to create an account for myself and others to show my many interests in life. Food, fashion, health, wellness and fitness are topics I constantly research and find fascinating. Since starting my account in March of this year, I have gotten so many positive responses and comments from young women that want to start their own accounts and how mine has inspired them.”

What do you hope to gain through this account?

“My goal for Lifeoflilybutt is to allow people to explore their interests while educating them on the topics and interests I love.”

Lily has such an aesthetically pleasing account! She focuses on the importance of a good mindset and having a daily routine. Her account is full of fashion, beauty, wellness and food! If you’re wanting to revamp your lifestyle and learn how to make an incredible charcuterie board, check out her account.



Run by Liz Vitulli 

Why did you start this account? 

“I started taketheshots the summer after freshman year.  it just became an account where I shared my favorite recipes and how I balanced school while trying to be healthy.”

What is your relationship with food? 

“Toward the end of the year, I struggled with body image and eating. I had an eating disorder in high school and basically was starting to fall back into bad habits. It got so bad and consuming to me that I wouldn’t go out because I didn’t want to drink the calories.”

Liz openly shares her struggles with food and the ways in which she has coped through this account. It is a very inspiring account for anyone who struggles with living a balanced life and having a healthy relationship with food while in college! She has so many great recipes on her page for easy meals that anyone can make at school. Liz is extremely authentic with her experience on this account, which is something we need.



Run by Carly Kleinwalks 

Why did you start this account? 

“I started whatsoncarlysplate during quarantine when I realized that I was cooking a lot and had nowhere to remember all these yummy meals I made. I have always loved cooking and even published my own cookbook, which I sell on Amazon! I felt it was only fitting to make a food account where I can post all my pictures of my food creations. At first, it started as something just for myself but it turned into something that my family and friends love.”

What do you hope to gain through this account?

“When people compliment my meals, it makes me feel really accomplished and proud of how far I have gotten through practice with my cooking and photography. My goal with this account was to make amazing-looking food and to eventually connect with many new people through the love of food and cooking.” 

Carly is very talented and truly takes the time to make things she is proud of. As she mentioned, she even has her own cookbook, which you can find in the link in her Instagram bio…. and profits go to charity! She buys so much of her food locally at markets, so many of her meals are easy to recreate! If you are looking to get into cooking at home, go to her page to get her amazing recipes!

Beauty & WellnessLydia Elste