Compliment Me! Not My Body.

In recent celebrity news, Adele has been featured on the cover of both Vogue and British Vogue. This is a big moment for her, as these historic interviews delve into her personal life and what she’s been putting herself through over the past two years. Her Vogue interview began at the gym where she goes at least once a day, so much of the article was focused on her major weight loss. 

When she first posted on Instagram debuting a more “fit” version of herself back in the fall of 2019, it caused an uproar, especially since she’d been MIA on social media for a few months. Many fans praised her new look, while others made comments saying they preferred her old self. These comments, while seemingly harmless, can actually be more harmful than helpful. Adele addressed her weight loss, telling Vogue that it stemmed from her divorce in 2019 when she became addicted to the gym. 

This addiction to working out came from the want to get stronger. Although this urge to become the physically strongest version of ourselves can be very beneficial, we also have to ensure that we are wanting to be the best version of ourselves mentally. This is where we have to learn to take the focus off of the body and onto the mind. 

When we compliment someone on their looks, it probably seems like this would only be taken in a positive connotation. But, depending on how someone got to that physical state, it can be harmful for them to hear. Just because someone looks as if they are healthy, doesn’t mean they are mentally healthy. Pointing out someone’s weight fluctuation can influence that person in a way you don’t intend. If they’ve lost or gained weight for the wrong reasons it can encourage this unhealthy behavior.

Instead of commenting on someone’s body image, focus on what kind of vibe they’re putting out. Comment about how happy they look. Or, check in with them if you’ve noticed sudden changes in their being. We shouldn’t make assumptions about why someone’s looking or feeling a certain way. After Adele opened up about her divorce, we learned that we don’t truly know what’s going on in someone's life.