The Lunar Phases and How to Harness Their Energy

Photo by Jules Kuhno

We know we aren’t the only ones who stare at the moon and get lost in her enchanting presence. She lures you in with her mysterious, dazzling haze (yes, we are referencing Taylor Swift) and never lets your eyes leave her glow. The moon’s power is fierce, and by understanding the lunar phases and what they mean, you can learn how to harness her energy like a pro. 

New Moon

The new moon is the invisible phase of the moon cycle, as the moon’s illuminated side faces the sun and the dark side faces the earth. This phase signifies new beginnings, which is perfect for starting a new project and saying yes to any opportunities that may come your way.

Waxing Crescent

The moon teases us by showing only a tiny sliver of its silver glow while in the waxing crescent position. In this phase, the moon is primarily facing away from us here on Earth. The term waxing means growing, and crescent means less than half, so in this phase, less than half of the moon is showing, but the illumination is growing. During this phase, the best thing to do is to let go and release what no longer benefits you and set new intentions.

First Quarter

In the moon’s first quarter, half of its side is visible and luminous, and the other half is still in the shadows. This phase is the perfect time to make decisions and it is crucial to be decisive. Don’t be afraid to take action and initiative. 

Waxing Gibbous

The moon is primarily visible during this phase as it is only a few nights away from being whole. The term gibbous means more than half, so in this phase, more than half of the moon is showing, and the illumination is growing. As the moon’s glow continues to become visible, take your time with what you do and be sure to be more detailed. The waxing gibbous phase is the perfect time to reevaluate your goals and make any fine-tuning adjustments to your plans and ideas. 

Full Moon

Ah yes, the time has come—the long-awaited full moon. The sun no longer is sharing the spotlight so the moon can now be the center of attention (as it should). Personally, this is our favorite phase. Even if you have not done anything during the previous stages and are planning not to in the future, use these few nights to tap into your spiritual self. The full moon is a pivotal time to connect and make promises to yourself on a soul level. Release any fears, doubts and guilt during this time, so you grow even more. 

Waning Gibbous

During this phase, the moon slowly makes its journey back into a temporary hibernation. The opposite side of the moon is now visible and the moon’s orbit is carrying the light out of our view. The term waning means decreasing, so in this phase, more than half of the moon is showing, but the illumination is decreasing. While the moon is in waning gibbous, it is essential to show gratefulness and thanks. Make a gratitude list and reflect on all of your successes. 

Last Quarter

Like the first quarter, during the last quarter, half of the moon is visible and the other half is hidden. This phase is the best for forgiving yourself and others. Try to approach everything with love and empathy.

Waning Crescent

As the moon’s glow continues to shrink, less than half of the moon is visible, and all we see is a sliver of the natural satellite. During the waning crescent phase, it is important that you reflect, be mindful, go with the flow and let go of the need to control. This monthly cycle then repeats, restarting with the new moon. 

The Edge wishes you the best of luck with your moon magic and learning how to harness the moon’s energy. Check out the calendar below to find out what the rest of 2021 looks like lunar-wise.

Photo from Vector Stock