The Art of the Perfect Nap

Remember Kindergarten? Our teachers would roll out the mats for nap time, and we’d desperately try to inch ourselves closer to our friends so we could chat instead of sleep. Now that we’re in college, many of us are constantly counting down the minutes until class is over and we can go back to our dorms to sleep. As someone who takes a two hour nap almost every day, I appreciate the art of a good nap. I also probably have low iron because naps shouldn’t last more than 30 minutes… Anyways, please enjoy all of our tips and tricks to get the most out of your naps.

Don’t go to bed

This is a nap; you aren’t going to bed for the night. Don’t crawl under all of your covers, put on pajamas and turn off the lights. This will trick your body into thinking that it’s time to sleep for good, and you’ll have a harder time getting up. Instead, keep your bed made and sleep on top of your duvet with just one throw blanket. Steer clear of your usual pillows and opt for a soft throw pillow instead. Put on comfy clothes, but not your pajamas. Dim the lights or wear a sleep mask if necessary, but don’t make your room pitch black. Again, we’re getting ourselves into nap mode. We don’t want our brains to think it’s nighttime.

Listen to white noise

If you’re like some of us here at The Edge, then you can’t sleep in absolute silence. Download a fan app onto your phone and play it out loud or in your headphones while you sleep. This will drown out any outside noises from your dorm or apartment complex, and let you sleep peacefully. We’ve also found that the presence of white noise stops us from having wandering thoughts that prevent us from falling asleep. The Sleep Aid Fan app is our favorite, and it comes with three different noise options (option three on the right is our personal fav!).

Use a weighted blanket

With the holidays coming up, this is the perfect gift to ask for. A weighted blanket can help you fall asleep faster, soothe anxiety and deepen sleep. This product is a 10/10 for naps. It gives you the feeling of being completely safe and secure and is overall so relaxing. We can’t rave enough about these blankets. They also come in different weights, so you can pick the level right for you. Be sure to put this at the top of your wish list this year!

Utilize your electronics

Set an alarm on your phone to make sure you don’t sleep for too long. Don’t count on your body to wake you up naturally, or else you may end up sleeping your day away. Put your phone on do not disturb mode to keep away distracting texts and notifications. If you want, put on a sleep meditation specifically for naps. There are plenty on Spotify and YouTube. 

Know why you’re napping

Naps are great, but only if you’re doing it for the right reasons. Are you trying to procrastinate on that big project? Are you trying to escape your problems? Don’t use naps as a distraction from things in your life that you need to address. While naps are good for you, they aren’t a cure-all to your problems. Your responsibilities will still be there when you wake up. Only use naps as a quick reset to rest your body and get some energy back.

We here at The Edge are huge nap enthusiasts, and we encourage all of you to get the most out of your naps. If you use any of these tips, be sure to let us know at @theedgemag on Instagram! Happy napping, love!

Beauty & WellnessRiley Otis