November 11th: The Most Powerful Manifestation Day Of The Year

The 11th day of the 11th month of 2021 is here and we must take full advantage. According to Numerologist, “The 11/11 portal flies wide open making it the most potent manifesting day of the century!” 11 is the number of supernatural intuition, spiritual connection and rapid manifestation.

In order to use this day wisely, we must fully understand how to manifest. Let's not miss this opportunity to manifest our biggest and brightest dreams and aspirations. Huffington Post contributor, Nathalie Guerin, is a law of attraction specialist and manifesting coach who lays out 7 steps to manifest anything you want:

Step 1: Get specific

If you don’t know exactly what you want, the universe won't be able to grant it for you. Get very clear on the specifics of your manifestation as if it is made just for you! Guerin recommends you write down 20-25 things you want to manifest. 

Getting specific with your requests is crucial. Saying “I want a car,” might leave you with a broken-down pile of garbage, but writing down the mileage, price, color and model will streamline the universe’s ability to grant your wish. Being clear with your manifestation is necessary because if you aren't, you could end up with the opposite of what you were wishing for. 

Step 2: Ask and you shall receive 

After you make your list and are clear on what you desire, it comes time to ask the universe for it. When you aren’t clear, the universe is forced to use its own guesses to help you. Different ways to ask the universe for your desires can include making vision boards, meditation, prayers, visualizations, sticky notes and even a letter to the universe. You must not only visualize but “feel” yourself living in your request. 

Step 3: Put in the work

This is the part of manifestation where we start co-creating with the universe. Your chance of receiving what you want increases when you start working towards your goals. “Write down 3 actions you can do today to bring you closer to your goal,” Guerin says. Don’t stop taking action until you reach your desires! Manifestation doesn’t just magically work— it requires you to be an active participant in getting what you want. 

Step 4: Practice trust

When you're sitting around waiting for things to happen, it may be easy for you to question if manifestation is legit. This is the time when you need to stay strong and trust the process! Acknowledge that it is normal to get frustrated and discouraged. “When you question manifestation, you're telling the universe to prove manifesting doesn't work,” says Guerin

“Whenever you find yourself doubting, catch yourself and say, I'm getting closer and closer to my goals every day. The universe has my back and it's awesome."

Step 5: Acknowledge what you are receiving 

It’s common to miss signs that the universe is giving you guidance. The universe will begin to give you more of what you want when you begin to embrace and acknowledge these messages. These signs can vary from big to little, so keep your eyes open— you don't want to miss the universe's signals to you. 

Step 6: Feel the vibration 

According to the Law of Attraction, you attract what you send out. “To attract more of what you want, you have to raise your vibration,” Guerin emphasizes. To be successful in your manifestation, you must tune your vibration to be worthy of receiving. Someone who feels deserving of receiving is thankful and positive.

Remember, if you are in a bad and crabby mood, the universe will reward you with things similar in that nature. 

Step 7: Let it go 

Doubts, pain, procrastination, frustrations, anxiety, fears, regrets and resentments are all forms of resistance. It should be noted that these feelings are all normal! If you have not received what you want from the universe it is probably because you are resisting. 

To be successful during this manifestation day, you must release the past and anything holding you back. The universe will not allow you to access new beginnings unless you do so. 

Close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask your heart what you truly want and desire. We here at The Edge are wishing you the most beautiful and powerful November 11th.

Cover Image: Unpublished Magazine