We think it’s safe to say that it is officially the season of spring. We’ve hit the halfway point of the spring semester, the sun is coming out, and there’s just something in the air that is radiating some freshness in our lives. 

That being said, we could all benefit from a little spring cleaning! It’s so easy to associate the term “spring cleaning” with those random Sundays in March that you were forced by your parents to help pick up around the house. But as a college student living in your own space, spring cleaning is no longer a chore to dread. 

We’ve got you covered with the best tips and tricks for spring cleaning in college that will set you up for a clean home and a clean mind. (A thorough spring clean-out also has a bunch of surprising health benefits. Check those out here.)

When you are thinking about cleaning out your whole room, it can feel like a daunting task. We suggest taking it one step at a time. Choose one thing to focus on first—it can be trash, clothes, books, laundry, etc. 

These are some things to think about that will help you have a thorough and effective cleaning of your room:


Take care of that cluster of water bottles that have been sitting on your bedside table for months… It is also finally time to throw away those clothes that you haven’t worn in years but for some reason can’t get rid of them… And the old textbooks from freshman year that you tried selling on the Facebook group? Donate them. 

Whatever “clutter” you have in your room has got to go. It’s an essential part of creating an environment in your room that is minimal and clean. (That includes the piles of random things hidden deep in your closet that you don’t necessarily see in your room, but you know it’s there.)

A helpful tip for decluttering is making piles that differentiate between trash, donate, and put away. Have a trash bag and a donation bin handy, and when you put something in the pile that you’re planning to “put away”, make sure it has a place to actually be put away. 


Switching up the layout of your bedroom is a perfect way to set the tone for a fresh and vibrant mindset to get through the next few weeks. Moving your bed in a position near the window is a great idea for allowing natural light to come in when you wake up in the morning.  We know how hard it is to set up a small bedroom in college, but this blog article actually has some great tips on maximizing your space. It really doesn’t matter how you end up rearranging your room because any new setup will do the job of ensuring that your bedroom environment has a feeling of “newness” to it. 


With all of the new and exciting spring aesthetics, hop onto Pinterest and find some fresh new pieces to spice up your bedroom. I know that this might go against what we said about “decluttering”, but grabbing some new plants or wall art won’t make your room any more cluttered. (And you should have room if you properly decluttered in the first place). While you’re at it, some new sheets are a perfect way to properly switch over your bedroom into the new season. Get rid of the heavy blankets because the hot weather is just around the corner!