Food, without the waste

We don’t know about you guys, but all of us here at The Edge feel like we can never seem to buy the right amount of groceries. One week you’re digging through the fridge to find something to eat and others you’re throwing away half the items you buy. Being a college student balling on a budget, there’s nothing worse than seeing hundreds of dollars go into the trash can.


Here are five tips to help you stop wasting food while staying on budget.


Yes, this is the most basic tip ever, but trust me its life changing. Take your time before going to the grocery store and make a plan for the week. Personally, we have been loving meal prepping, it not only makes our shopping easier, but the week in general! There’s nothing better than coming home after a long day of class knowing your dinner is already made and just needs a quick reheat.


Frozen food for the win

Not only is frozen food significantly cheaper, but it lasts way longer. It’s also typically picked at peak ripeness, which means it is actually fresher than the fresh stuff.


Pro tip: If you get to the end of the week and realize you have a ton of leftover food - get out the Ziploc bags and keep the extra’s in the refrigerator to have all week!


Get creative

If you happen to find yourself at the end of the week with tons of leftovers, have a little fun in the kitchen. Some of the best meals we have ever created are ones that were filled with the most random ingredients! Dishes such as fried rice, salads and pastas can virtually be made with almost any veggies and/or meat product.


Expiration dates are the devil of food waste

A “best by” or “sell by” doesn’t necessarily mean that the food is inedible after that date. Check out the product and look for any discoloration or weird smells. Nine times out of ten the item is usually good for a few more days!


Be conscious of your eating habits

If you know that you aren’t the biggest fan of green beans... Then don’t buy them! We can’t count on my fingers the amount of times I’ve bought random foods that I don’t even like just because we we’re feeling spontaneous. If you know it’s something you probably won’t eat, don’t buy it.

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