THE Happy Go Lucky Necklace: Worth The Hype?

Colorful pieces are going to rule the summer. Not only through clothing, but through jewelry. We’ve had the clay and acrylic ring trends pop up, and we are only going to see more of these throughout the summer. One specifically we’ve seen recently is the Martha Calvo “Happy Go Lucky” necklace—but is it worth the hype? The short answer is yes, but we have some thoughts.  

Martha Calvo’s necklaces have been one of the focal points of this colorful jewelry trend. Calvo is based in Miami, FL and has been designing jewelry since 2006. On her website, Calvo explains how her goal is to “fuse uptown elegance with a downtown edge,” which is evident in her pieces. Her Happy Go Lucky necklace, which is one of the most popular accessories on Instagram and TikTok right now, is currently sold out on her site and the other pieces are going fast as well. The combination of the gold chain, pearls, and colorful beads is the perfect combination of “old” and new trends—obviously it’s a hit with everyone. However, not gonna lie, she’s expensive. Sold at $160, this necklace is definitely on the pricier side. So, do we think it’s worth the price? Yes, but also no. We’ve learned (thanks to TikTok!) that it’s preeeetttttyyyy easy to create this necklace on your own, AND there are plenty of dupes out there. 

Well would you look at that! Here is a link we found of a dupe on Etsy!! We love supporting a small business that sells dupes for less expensive. Here at the Edge we like to ball on a budget—this version is a crisp $28 which is much more manageable than $160! 

As we said before, it is also SO easy to make the necklace yourself!! Simply go to your local Walmart, Michael’s, or Hobby Lobby. You’ll need a gold chain (with a clasp), two smaller gold chains for the detailing, pearl-like beads, some fun colorful beads (smiley faces, dice, yin and yang, etc.), plastic string, plyers, and possibly wire cutters!! We’re sure you’ll figure it out, but if not, here are the links to ALL 5 PARTS of a TikTok we found that should be very helpful (creds to @maryeowen). ☺

Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Colored jewelry is going to be a major trend this summer, so make sure you hop on that train ASAP!! Getting a dupe or making your own is a great way to ~ball on a budget~ as we said earlier, or if you wanna splurge and get the OG, go ahead!! Any way you do it, you’ll rock it. 

Share your DIY projects or dupe finds with us @theedgemag!!

FashionOlivia Nevin